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National Head & Neck Oncology Meeting


Dr Dinos Geropantas

Dr Dinos Geropantas is a Head and Neck clinical oncologist based at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS FT where he has worked as a consultant since 2010.

He has a particular interest in Head & Neck cancer clinical research and has been the Head & Neck subspecialty lead for the Eastern CRN since 2014. He is an expert reviewer of Head & Neck cancer trials for the NIHR and has participated in study design focus groups and TMG/TSCs.

He has been involved in the development of national guidelines and consensuses in Head & Neck cancer (e.g., RCR guidelines on radiotherapy dose/fractionation, RCR Head & Neck consensus statements 2021) and has contributed to more than 30 Head & Neck cancer papers and abstracts published in peer-review journals or presented at national and international meetings.