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National Head & Neck Oncology Meeting


Dr Claire Paterson

Dr Claire Paterson is an NHS consultant clinical oncologist in head and neck cancers at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow and honorary senior lecturer, University of Glasgow. She holds a NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Senior Fellowship. She is a leads clinical research in head and neck cancer in the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) RadNet Glasgow Centre.

These roles have enabled her to develop and deliver clinical studies in head and neck cancer as well as contribute to several multi-centre studies as local principal investigator or UK chief investigator. She is co-founder and co-chair of the multi-disciplinary Glasgow head and neck cancer (GlaHNC) research group.

Dr Paterson is a BAHNO council member and an Associate Section Editor with IJROBP. Claire has published several peer reviewed papers and is currently undertaking a research MD.